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ENGEL-PAK | Pioneer of Abstract Painting

The book Engel-Pak, Pioneer of Abstract Painting, was published in two versions, French/English and French/Dutch, for the occasion of the retrospective with the same name showing at the Botanique (Centre Culturel de la Communauté Françasie, Walloniue-Bruxelles) in Belgium from 18 June until 1 August 2004.

The book begins with an introduction by renowned Belgian art historian Serge Goyens de Heusch, who places the artist as a significant painter in the beginnings of Abstraction in Paris 1930. It includes an in-depth pictorial analysis of Engel-Pak’s work by Lara Olchanetzky, who curated the retrospective, as well as a biography by Roger Palm. There are also 123 reproductions of Engel-Pak’s work spanning over his career.

"Rhythm, purity, lines, colours", these were the words hanging on Engel-Pak's studio walls for many years. Such were the vital aspirations of his creation, the demands of his "innermost necessity", to use Kandinsky's expression. These for words also shed light upon the surprising speed at which this painter from Spa evolved within a few years, from a representational Expressionism to Lyrical Abstraction, in which significance was inherent to the powers of painting: the colours, lines and rhythms which propelled the works" Source : Serge Goyens de Heusch, Dr. In Art History

Cost per book, FR/EN or FR/NL: €35
+ €10 shipping and handling in Europe
+ €15 shipping and handling internationally

Les Premiers Abstraits Wallons | M.-L. Baugniet / H.-J. Closon / E. Engel-PAk / J. Lacasse / M. Lempereur-Haut

« Il y a longtemps que j’ai collé sur une face de mon chevalet le bout de papier » Bachelard. L’Inconscient ne se civilise pas » Cela mène loin et toujours à reprendre. Je traduis avec les couleurs. Apres, pour le spectateur que je deviens il y a une phrase du poète T.S. Eliot « Art : a machinery of satisfaction »

Source : Leon Gabriel Gros, lettre d’Engel-Pak a son neveu Fred, 7 janvier 1964 in Les Premiers Abstraits Wallon, Centre Wallon d’Art Contemporain,Ramet-Flemalle, 1984

© Tous droits réservés au Centre Wallon d’Art Contemporain. Ramet-Flémalle.

Engel-Pak | Les Bonheurs de L’Abstrait | Alain Bosquet

« On voit bien, ce qui chez Engel-Pak, a passionné Alain Bosquet: l’itinéraire qui mène un expressionniste à l’abstraction…Engel-Pak est le premier des peintres abstraits de Wallonie. Le révéler, ce serait le consacrer. Qu’attend le monde officiel pour lui rendre l’hommage qu’il mérite ? »

Source: Pol Vandromme, La vie litteraire, Edition de la Différence, Paris

© 1978 Éditions de la Différence,
22 rue St Paul, 75004 Paris

Rencontres à Sanary-sur-Mer | Paul B. Franklin

Essays in this publication by Paul B. Franklin describe the friendship that developed between Marcel Duchamp and Engel-Pak in 1941. This friendship is clearly described by Paul B. Franklin, Director and Editor of the publication Etant Donné Marcel Duchamp (supported by © Association pour  l’Etude de Marcel Duchamp), in the last 27 pages of Etant Donné N°10 published in 2011 and titled “Rencontres à Sanary-sur-Mer”..


The extracts of text written by Paul B. Franklin are published on this site with the kind permission of the author. The pictures shown from the article by Paul B. Franklin are published on this site by kind permission of Raoul Henriques Raba (Mouki), nephew of Claire Gilbert-Pierre, Engel-Pak’s partner from 1941 until his death in 1965. Every effort has been made to contact the copyright holders of the works reproduced in this issue. We apologize for any omission that inadvertently may have occurred.